Days of the Week Project Update and Resume

Hey FLI Choir,

Here is the Days of the Week song with updated lyrics.  Thanks for all the ideas based on what you've been up to.  I couldn't get in everything as there are only 7 days, but got a lot.  Yes, this is a rather goofy project - but...why not?!  

Also, it's not too late to suggest lyrics. I could totally switch something out!

The Days of the Week Song

Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles 
Jueves, Viernes, y Sábado (x2)

Domingo I took a three-hour nap
Lunes I had my first zoom call
Martes I binged The Tiger King all day
Miércoles I baked banana bread

Chorus (x2)

Jueves Oh my! My TikTok's going viral
Viernes That puzzles wayy too big
Sábado I'm still stuck at home, oh Coronavirus, when will this be over???

Chorus (x2) - end "sábado" on a higher note

Leif is recording the piano part on SoundTrap.  I have an educational free trial of it for 120 days.  Once he is done I will post it on Google Classroom for you to record yourself singing the whole song.  You can follow along with a track I create.  I'll delete mine after I have all of yours.  Please use no effects on your voice and sing through the entire song using headphones so that sound does not bleed from track to track.  And definitely do not mess with any tracks other than your own.
Also, if you click the microphone icon you can do a test of your volume to avoid distortion in your recording.  I highly recommend doing this.  There is also an option at the bottom for a metronome if that is helpful to you.  T=115.

I will do a little tutorial in our class next week, and we will also practice the full song.

I'm super open to somebody laying down other tracks as well.  Hand percussion like claps and snaps, a hand drum like a djembe adding some rhythm, etc.  Just don't be offended if I don't use the track when editing it all together.

I will likely make the verses solos or duets for some variety based on all the submissions.

Here is a recording to sing along with to practice with all the words:

Link to practice recording:
(One small detail:  I inconsistently sometimes sing "y" before the word miercoles.  Don't do that.  The only "y" is after viernes.)

After we are done practicing and getting to know SoundTrap we will talk a little bit about your next FLI assignment, building a resume.  Perhaps some of you have done this already, and some of you have not.  In class we will discuss what makes an effective resume, and then you will write one for yourself.

Use the same meeting link as before: 

-Mrs. Riffel


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