
Showing posts from May, 2020

FLI Choir Rehearsal 5/26/2020

Greetings FLI Choir, As promised, this week we are taking a break from FLI curriculum and will do musical activities.  As you will be standing to sing, make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing on both halves of your body. ;-) Videos should be on during class. Our class will consist of: -Vocal Exercises and Skill Building -Sight Singing -Watch a fun musical video (you'll find out tomorrow) -Instructions for next week's class on leadership.  We will be discussing effective leadership and ways that you can show leadership while in high school. Below is the link to the Sight-Singing Book. You may either use a separate device, or look at same screen as I present the sight singing. Sight-Singing Book Link to class (same one as always): Lastly, help me remember that I want to get a class picture on Google Meet. If any of you has a computer that sees everyone in class and could take the screenshot, that would be awesome. -Mrs. Riffel

Community Service (No class this week)

Greetings FLI Choir, This week we are going to do something a little different.  We are not going to meet as a class on Google Meet.  Instead, I would like you think of a community service activity you can do instead. Let's use some of our extra time to do good for others and make their lives just a little bit better. Assignment Spend 1-2 hours doing a community service activity this week.  Then, instead of writing a reflection (that only I read) I would like you tell the rest of the class about what you did and give a brief reflection on the experience next week (May 12).  Please reach outside of your immediate family and into the larger community for this assignment. Ideas Community service activities can happen both inside your own home, and outside of it.  Here are few ideas of what you can do. Offer to mow/weed an elderly neighbor's lawn Cook a meal for someone in need (sign up for a meal train, etc) Write letters of encouragement to children with cance